AI Empowerment Across Your Organization

Artificial Intelligence has a lot of hype, but limited direction.

Our platform adapts to each employee, protects your data, and propels company-wide efficiency and growth.

About Us

Why Choose Itus AI?

Navigating AI technology can be complex and risky for small to medium-sized businesses. We simplify this by offering a secure, multi-model capable platform that eliminates the guesswork and future proofs your organization's AI journey.

Empower Your Growth

Our platform turns your data into actionable insights, providing strategic recommendations that drive performance and growth. Embrace the future with Itus AI, where innovation meets practicality.

Our Approach

AI Assistants tailored for each role

Make artificial intelligence adoption intuitive and secure. We empower your team with sophisticated AI capabilities, manage organizational knowledge, and cultivate innovation within a single, unified system.

Customized Chat Experience

Tailored Solutions for Individual Challenges

Organizational Chat Sharing

Collaborative Dialogue Tools

Integrated Web Search

Real-Time Information Retrieval

Unlimited Usage

Freedom to Chat Without Constraints

File Upload Capabilities

Without AI data training

Your Personal AI Assistant

Custom-Tailored AI Chat Solution

Our platform provides AI chat solutions tailored to individual team needs, enhancing productivity by intuitively adapting to unique business challenges.

A New Era

Set your teams up for success

Don’t take it from us – the transformative power of AI on productivity and efficiency is echoed across numerous studies and reports. See below for some of the many sources supporting the revolutionary impact of AI in today’s businesses.

40% Higher Efficiency

Generative AI boosts skilled workers’ output by 40%. See MIT Sloan’s findings.

86% of IT Leaders

expect generative AI to soon play a prominent role in their organizations, says Salesforce.

64% of Businesses

believe that AI will help increase their productivity, per Forbes Advisor survey.


people already using leading AI services independently, per Exploding Topics

Coming soon

Your Next Level AI Journey Awaits

Exciting new features are on the horizon at Itus AI, designed to enhance your journey with artificial intelligence. Get ready to unlock deeper insights, streamline knowledge management, empower your team’s learning, and enjoy the flexibility of multi-model AI capabilities. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s ahead:

Insights & Strategic Guidance

Navigate AI integration with actionable insights and strategic recommendations, crafted for your organizational needs.

Dedicated File Repositories

Enhance knowledge access with tailored repositories, allowing team-specific document management and collaboration.

AI Education Experience

Elevate your team's AI fluency; a personalized module to get the most out of AI assistants and analyze usage patterns.

Multi-Model AI Capabilities

Empower your operations with a suite of leading AI models, offering the right tool for every challenge.

Tell us about your team

Optimizing your AI strategy is key to innovation. Whether you're taking your first steps into AI or seeking to conquer complex challenges, we’re eager to hear about the hurdles and aspirations unique to your organization.

Get in touch

We’ll just need a few quick details


Work email


Number of employees



Itus AI offers a simple and transparent pricing plan at $30 per member per month. This gives your team full access to our platform with no annual commitment and absolutely no hidden fees.


Itus AI is versatile, serving a diverse range of sectors. We have teams from healthcare, education, IT staffing, product development, and more leveraging our platform to enhance their operations with AI.


Itus AI is scalable and fully customizable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups seeking to grow to large enterprises looking to innovate.

We offer comprehensive support including onboarding, continuous training, and a dedicated team member to ensure your organization maximizes the benefits of Itus AI.

Businesses using Itus AI typically see improvements in efficiency, a reduction in operational costs, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. Our AI helps streamline processes, provides insightful analytics, and supports employees in completing tasks more quickly and accurately.

Implementing Itus AI is swift and hassle-free. Most organizations can have the platform up and running within a few days, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily operations. Our team works closely with you to ensure a smooth integration and onboarding process.

No, Itus AI is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Employees at all skill levels can easily navigate and use the platform to its full potential. Our intuitive interface ensures that everyone, regardless of their technical background, can leverage AI to enhance their work.